许继集团有限公司,河南 许昌 461000
摘 要:针对中压开关设备产品在小型化过程中产品绝缘距离存在安全隐患的情况,研究了绝缘层外表面接地以及不同高压绝缘介质不同厚度对电场分布的影响,建立了数学模型,并采用电场有限元Infolytica ElecNet软件进行电场仿真。试验结果证明,使三相高压设备的单相高压导体外绝缘表面接地或合理设计多介质的不同厚度可以降低三相设备相间或对地的安全绝缘距离,达到了设计要求。
中图分类号:TM591;TM85 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2015)06-0023-04
Research on Insulation Technology of Medium and High Voltage Switchgear
JI Jiang-hui, ZHANG Jie, WANG Xiao-li, LI Wen-feng, LI Yan-guang
Xuji Group Corporation, Xuchang 461000, China
Abstract: Aiming at the conditions that there exist potential safety hazards for production insulation distance during the process of medium voltage switchgear miniaturization, this paper researched on insulating layer surface earthing and the impacts of different high voltage insulating medium with different thickness on electric field distribution, and established a mathematical model, adopting electric field finite element software Infolytica ElecNet to simulate electric field. Test results show that under the same conditions, the insulating surface of single phase high voltage conductor in three-phase high voltage equipment is earthed or the thickness of multi medium is reasonable designed to reduce safe insulation distance between poles of three-phase equipment or poles to earth, so as to meet the requirements of design.
Key words: medium voltage switchgear; finite element; miniaturization; insulation technology; electric field optimization; insulating layer surface earthing
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