(1 中南电力设计院有限公司,湖北 武汉 430071;2 中国葛洲坝集团电力有限责任公司,湖北 武汉 430034)
摘 要:在风机接地工程验收中,由于各参建单位对测量方法争议较大,影响了风机接地验收工作的科学、公正。结合风机制造商及IEC 标准对风电场风力发电机组接地电阻的要求,并基于风机接地网
中图分类号:TM862 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)10-0065-05
Discussion on Test Method of Wind Turbine Generator Grounding Device
ZHANG Yan-chang1, ZHOU Cai-yang1, SHI Wei1, YUAN Chen1, YAO Wen1, LIU Yu-sen1, PAN Lu2
(1 Central Southern Electric Power Design Institute of China, Wuhan 430071, China;
2 China Gezhouba Group Electric Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430034, China)
Abstract: In the acceptance of the wind turbine generator (WTG) grounding project, since each participating units will have a greater dispute on the measurement methods, the WTG grounding acceptance can’t adhere to the scientific and impartial principle. Combining with the requirements of WTG grounding resistance in wind power plant from the WTG manufacturer and IEC standards, and based on the characteristics of the WTG grounding network, this paper focused on the research of the three-electrode grounding resistance testing method and gave the main testing principle and method of the WTG grounding device.
Key words: wind turbine generator grounding device; wind turbine generator grounding network; wind turbine generator grounding resistance; three-electrode method
[1] IEC 61400-24-2010 Wind turbine-Part 24:Lightning protection[S].
[2] GB/T 21714—2015 雷电防护[S].
[3] IEC 62305:2010 Protection against lightning[S].
[4] G B / T 50065—2011 交流电气装置的接地设计规范[S].
[5] GB/T 50064—2014 交流电气装置的过电压保护和绝缘配合设计规范[S].
[6] DL/T 475—2006 接地装置特性参数测量导则[S].