(国网江苏省电力公司盐城供电公司,江苏 盐城 224002)
摘 要:电能质量扰动源会给电能质量带来很大的安全隐患。提出了基于高阶统计量的时间序列挖掘算法对异常数据进行深入分析,并结合三层四等级的预警流程,来实现对电能质量稳态指标充分预警。实际运行结果表明,所开发的智能变电站电能质量预警系统能够全面地挖掘潜在的电能质量问题,有助于促进变电运维管理水平的提升,为电网安全稳定运行提供有力支撑。
中图分类号:TM63;TM76 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)10-0017-04
Research on Power Quality Early Warning System for Intelligent Substation
BAI Jing-jing
(Yancheng Power Supply Company, State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company, Yancheng 224002, China)
Abstract: The power quality disturbance sources will bring the great potential safety hazard. This paper proposed the time sequence mining algorithm based on higher order statistics to carry out deep analysis of abnormal data and combined the three-layer four hierarchical early warning flow to realize the full early warning of power quality steady state index. The practical operation results show that the developed power quality early warning system in intelligent substation could dig the potential power quality problems roundly, which is helpful to promote the operation and maintenance management level of power transformation and provides the powerful support for the grid safe and stable operation.
Key words: power quality; early warning; anomaly detection; skewness; kurtosis
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