(国网青岛供电公司,山东 青岛 266000)
摘 要:发电权交易对促进风电等新能源发电消纳具有重要意义。考虑风电场和火电厂发电权交易的动态度电成本,计算了保证双方经济效益均增加的交易价格。建立了风电消纳量最大和总经济效益最大的多目标优化模型,结合算例,得出了发电权交易电量和交易价格的优化结果。计算结果表明,以风电消纳量最大和总经济效益最大的多目标优化,可以提高发电权交易积极性,促进风电消纳和节能减排,提高社会经济效益。
中图分类号:TM614;TM611 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)11-0065-05
Multi-Objective Optimization on Wind and Thermal Power Generation Right Considering Dynamic Cost
LUAN Chun-peng, ZHU Xiao-dong, PANG Jian-ye
(State Grid Qingdao Power Supply Company, Qingdao 266000, China)
Abstract: The generation right transaction is of significance to promote the wind power etc other new energy power generation. Considering the dynamic power cost of wind and thermal power generation right, this paper calculated the transaction price to increase the economic benefits of both parties and established the multi-objective optimization model with maximum wind power consumption and total economic benefits. Combined with an example, the optimization results of generation right transaction electrical quantity and transaction price were obtained. The calculation results show that the multi-objective optimization of maximum wind power consumption quantity and total economic benefits can improve the enthusiasm of generation right transaction, promote wind power consumption and energy conservation and emission reduction, and increase social and economic benefits.
Key words: generation right transaction; wind power consumption; dynamic power cost; economic benefit; multi-objective optimization
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