郭学英,王震泉, 甄宏宁,王莹
(中国能源建设集团江苏省电力设计院有限公司,江苏 南京 211102)
摘 要:针对在电网关键线路或节点加装串联电抗器可限制系统短路电流的问题,研究了母线加装串联电抗器的不同接线形式。提出多种接线方案,并对各接线方案在短路电流限制效果及对电网安全运行的影响、适用场所、可靠性和经济性等方面进行综合比较,得到各接线方案优缺点,为后续加装母线串联电抗器工程提供参考。
中图分类号:TM471 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)11-0030-03
Study on Connection Schemes of Busbar Added Series Reactors
GUO Xue-ying, WANG Zhen-quan, ZHEN Hong-ning, WANG Ying
(China Energy Engineering Group Co., Ltd, Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute, Nanjing 2111 02, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the key circuits or nodes added series reactors in power grid could effectively restrict the shortcircuit current, this paper studied on the different connection modes of busbar added series reactors. This paper proposed various kinds of connection schemes and comprehensively compared those short-circuit current restriction effects, impacts on power grid safe operation, applicable places, reliability and economy etc aspects to obtain the relative merits of each connection scheme, which provides the reference for the future busbar added series reactors project.
Key words: busbar segment; series reactor; connection scheme
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