Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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配网10 kV绝缘横担典型布置方案概述

来源:电工电气发布时间:2018-01-22 13:22 浏览次数:740
配网10 kV绝缘横担典型布置方案概述
(1 南通电力设计院有限公司,江苏 南通 226004;2 江苏神马电力股份有限公司,江苏 南通 226500)
    摘 要:复合材料绝缘横担的推广和应用,有利于解决由感应雷引起的雷击断线问题。对《10 kV架空绝缘线路绝缘横担典型布置方案》进行了阐述,介绍了典型设计所取得的成果,明确了绝缘横担在海拔、气象区、杆型等的应用范围及导线的选取和使用,丰富了杆头布置形式,完善了绝缘配合及防雷接地方式,汇总了横担的结构形式,系列化了横担的尺寸规格,解决了绝缘横担引下线的布置。为提高10 kV线路的耐雷水平,特别是为避免线路因感应雷击跳闸及断线提供了保障。
    中图分类号:TM726.3     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2018)01-0001-05
Typical Arrangement Scheme Overview of 10 kV Distribution Network Insulation Crossbar
ZONG Qiang1, YU Jie2, FANG Jiang2, LI De-quan2
(1 Nantong Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Nantong 226004, China;2 Jiangsu Shemar Electric Co., Ltd, Nantong 226500, China)
    Abstract: The promotion and application of composite material insulating crossbar are in favor of solving the problem of lightning stroke disconnection caused by the inductive thunder. This paper expounded the "10 kV overhead insulated wire insulation crossbar typical arrangement". Introduction was made to the achievement of typical design. This paper made clear the applied arrangement and wire selection and usage of elevation, weather zone, pole type and so on, enriched the pole head arrangement form, improved the insulation coordination and lightning protection grounding mode, summed up the crossbar structure style, serialized the size of the crossbar and solved the insulation crossbar downlead arrangement, which enhances the lightning withstand level of 10 kV overhead line, especially provides the safeguard for avoiding the tripping and disconnection caused by the inductive thunder lightning stroke.
    Key words: insulation crossbar; typical design; pole and tower; lightning stroke
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