基于IEC 61850构建配电自动化系统
(国网安徽省电力有限公司滁州供电公司,安徽 滁州 239000)
摘 要:分析了配电自动化系统的特点及构建要求,得出须以馈线为构建单元,包含邻域拓扑信息,并采取整体和局部相结合的方式构建配电自动化系统的结论。通过重新组织系统构建描述语言(SCL) 模板的结构和内容,将其修改为适用于配电自动化系统的模板。以具体馈线为例,分别进行整条馈线的配电自动化系统的初次构建、馈线局部新增智能电子设备(IED)和馈线局部删除IED 的操作,为基于IEC 61850构建配电自动化系统提供了理论依据。
关键词:IEC 61850;构建;配电自动化;邻域拓扑;智能电子设备
中图分类号:TM76 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2018)03-0065-04
Construction of Distribution Automation System Based on IEC 61850
TANG Rui, XU Feng, LIU Yang-yang, WANG Wen-jun, YUE Cheng, WANG Yan-bang, DAI Yan
(Chuzhou Power Supply Company, State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company, Chuzhou 239000, China)
Abstract: The paper analyzed the characteristics and building requirements of distribution automation system to conclude that the feeders must be taken as building blocks including the field topology information and the way of combination of global and local must be taken to build the distribution automation system. By reorganizing the structure and content of the description language (SCL) template, this paper modified the template applicable to the distribution automation system. Taking the specific feeder as an example, there were three things including the initial construction of the distribution automation system for the whole feeder, the local new intelligent electronic device (IED) and the operation of the local deletion of the IED, which provides a theoretical gist for the distributed automatic system based on IEC 61850 construction.
Key words: IEC 61850; construction; distribution automation; neighborhood topology; intelligent electronic device
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