Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2016-03-10 16:10 浏览次数:12


温州供电公司,浙江 温州 325000 

摘 要:针对高压隔离开关改造或扩建现场,由于安全距离不够所带来的吊装难题,分析了高压隔离开关的常用吊装方法,结合改造过程中的实际情况,研制了一套高压隔离开关简易吊装装置。阐述了电气部分和机械部分的设计过程,并通过了现场应用验证,该装置适用于GW7型、CR型、DR型、S3CDT型等高压隔离开关改造工程,具有功能强大、体积小、组装方便、性能可靠等优点。
中图分类号:TM564.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)02-0050-04

Development of Simple Hoisting Device for High Voltage Disconnector 

YI Yong-li, LIN Ning, CHEN Zhi, LIU Chong 
Wenzhou Power Supply Company, Wenzhou 325000, China 

Abstract: In allusion to the problems which caused by safe distance during the process of modifying and extension project in transformer substation, this paper analyzed the hoisting method of high voltage disconnector in common use. A set of simple hoisting device for high voltage disconnector was designed according to the practical situation in hoisting process. This paper expounded the design process of electrical and mechanical parts. The device could be used in the modification works of many high voltage disconnectors, such as GW7、CR、DR、S3CDT, with the advantages of powerful functions, small volume, easy assemble and reliable performance.
Key words: high voltage disconnector; hoisting device; safe distance; modification works

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