Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2018-03-19 15:19 浏览次数:830
(国网四川省电力公司广汉市供电分公司,四川 广汉 618300)
    摘 要:基于配电变压器T形等效电路推导得到其电路参数标幺值计算公式,通过在MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真平台建立配电变压器仿真模型验证了理论公式的精确性。建立简单配电变压器台区仿真模型,得到部分常用配电变压器最佳负载率以作为选择配电变压器容量的参考,并定义三相负荷不平衡主要评估参数,通过仿真量化从三相负荷分配不均及功率因数差异大这两个角度分析了三相负荷不平衡的危害,为治理三相负荷不平衡问题提供了参考。
    关键词:配电变压器;T形等效电路;标幺值参数;三相负荷不平衡;MATLAB/SIMULINK 仿真
    中图分类号:TM714     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2018)03-0037-06
Three Phase Load Unbalance Analysis Based on Distribution Transformer Equivalent Circuit Parametric Model
(State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company Guanghan Power Supply Company, Guanghan 618300, China)
    Abstract: Based on the T-type equivalent circuit of distribution transformer, this paper derived the formulas to calculate the per-unit parameters of T-type equivalent circuit. The simulation model for distribution transformer was built in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment, which proved the precision of these formulas. A simple simulation model of single distribution transformer courts was built to obtain the best load factor for different transformers, which can provide help for choosing the appropriate capacity and define the main evaluation parameters of three phase load unbalance. The impact of three phase load unbalance were analyzed in quantization way for two conditions, the unbalance load distribution and the power factor difference, which provides references for solving three phase load unbalance problems.
    Key words: distribution transformer; T-type equivalent circuit; per-unit parameter; three phase load unbalance; MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation
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