Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2016-03-10 16:10 浏览次数:7


山东核电有限公司,山东 烟台 265116 

摘 要:合理地选择电缆截面可提高配电系统安全性,减少事故隐患。结合AP1000核电工程实践,从电缆载流量、抗短路能力、电压损失、投资和运行的经济性等角度介绍了AP1000核电厂电力电缆截面选择的原则及有效方法,通过对载流量、敷设环境、电压降等因素计算分析后,得出不同敷设环境中针对不同负荷类型的电力电缆截面选择表,为后续核电工程设计与完善提供了借鉴。
中图分类号:TM247 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)02-0033-04

Selection Method of Low Voltage Power Cable Section in AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant 

ZHENG Hai-long 
Shandong Nuclear Power Company Ltd, Yantai 265116, China 

Abstract: The reasonably selection of power cable section could raise the security of power distribution system and reduce accidents potential. Combining with AP1000 nuclear power engineering practice, introduction was made to the principle and effective way of power cable section selection of AP1000 nuclear power plant from the corner of power cable carrying capacity, anti-short-circuit capacity, voltage loss, economy of investment and operation, and so on. After the analysis and calculation of carrying capacity, laying environment and voltage drop etc factors, this paper obtained power cable section option lists of different load types for different laying environment, which provides references for the power cable sizing design in other nuclear power plant.
Key words: nuclear power plant; power cable; section; cable laying

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