(国网浙江省电力公司宁波供电公司,浙江 宁波 315200)
摘 要:对沿海化工园区中运行十年的电力电缆进行腐蚀情况的观测与分析,采用扫描电子显微镜观测腐蚀部位的微观形貌,并进行元素分析。测试结果显示:电缆的铠装层发生了严重腐蚀,尤其是在钢带交叠处;铜屏蔽层处腐蚀明显,微观形貌粗糙有腐蚀产物附着,并且含有氧、氯、硅、铁、硫等元素。研究结果表明,在长年运行过程中,即使外护套没有破损,电缆内部也会发生腐蚀,仍需加强对电缆外护套的巡视和监测,并在制作中间接头等时观察腐蚀情况,及早发现腐蚀问题,对电缆进行修复或者更换,避免造成严重后果。
中图分类号:TM726.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2018)06-0050-04
Research on Cables Corrosion Phenomena Based on Micro Morphology
HE Chun-guang, HE Xian-hua
(State Grid Zhejiang Province Ningbo Power Supply Company, Ningbo 315200, China)
Abstract: Observation and analysis of corrosion condition were made to the power cable operating in a coastal chemical industrial park for ten years. This paper adopted a scanning electron microscope to observe the micro morphology of corrosion parts and carried out elemental analysis. The test results showed that there was serious corrosion of steel armor, especially in the overlapping part. Corrosion was also obvious at the copper shield. The microstructure was rough with corrosion products adhered to it, which consisted of oxygen, chlorine, silicon, iron, sulfur and other elements. The research results show that even if the insulating sheath has a waterproof effect on the cable, the corrosion is unavoidable due to the operation for all the year round, so that it is necessary to strengthen the inspection and monitoring of the outer sheath of the cable to find out the defects early so as to carry out cables repairing and replacement, avoiding further aggravating the corrosion.
Key words: power cable; alkaline environment; micro morphology; corrosion
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