Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2018-07-24 13:24 浏览次数:768
(国网成都供电公司 四川 成都 610041)
    摘 要:降雨天气会严重影响导线的电晕特性。借助光学接触角测量仪、紫外成像仪等设备,在电晕笼内进行了淋雨条件下导线表面涂覆不同憎水性材料时电晕特性的研究。试验表明,涂覆憎水性涂料导线表面附着少量水滴时,随着电压的升高先后经历无电晕、瞬时水滴电晕、稳定水滴电晕和导线电晕四个阶段。导线表面布满水滴时经过局部电晕放电、全面电晕放电阶段。同时与涂敷不同憎水性涂料导线对比发现,超疏水涂料能够明显的提高导线的起晕电压,PRTV 涂料也能在一定程度上提高导线的起晕电压。
    关键词:淋雨条件; 交流电场; 导线电晕; 憎水性涂料
    中图分类号:TM851     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2018)07-0051-04
Impacts of Hydrophobic Coating on Conductive Corona Characteristic Under Raining Condition
XU Qing-peng, WU Xiong, HUANG Xin, LU Xiao-bin, MA Xi-liang, JIANG Bo
(State Gride Chengdu Power Supply Company, Chengdu 610041, China)
    Abstract: Rainfall weather would bring huge impacts on the wire corona characteristic. With the help of optics contact angle measuring apparatus and ultraviolet imager etc equipment, this paper researched on the corona characteristic with different hydrophobic coating on the surface of conductor inside corona cage under raining condition. The experiment shows that when a few drops are adhering to conductors, along with the voltage rising, there are four stages including corona free, instant droplets corona, stable droplets corona and conductor corona; when the conductor is full of water, there are both local and overall corona discharge stages. Compared with different hydrophobic coating conductors, it is founded that the super-hydrophobic conductor is obviously superior in the respect of corona voltage, to some extent, the PRTV coating also improves the corona voltage.
    Key words: raining condition; AC electric field; wire corona; hydrophobic coating
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