北京林业大学 电气工程及其自动化学院,北京 100083
摘 要:为研究以锂电池为储能元件的光伏系统追踪最大功率问题,提出了一种基于实验测试的锂电池建模方法,该模型简单精确,电源、电容、电阻等原件参数与实验数据高度拟合。把该锂电池接入Matlab搭建的柔性非晶硅光伏发电系统,实现了最大功率跟踪控制功能,验证了该模型的有效性。
中图分类号:TM615 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)02-0009-05
Lithium Battery Modeling in Flexibility Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaic Power Generation System
LU Yi-jun, WANG Yong-ze, HAN Ning
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract: In order to research on the problem of photovoltaic system tracking maximum power taking lithium battery as the energy storage element, this paper proposed a kind of lithium battery modeling approach based on experimental test. It was a simple model whose power supply, capacitance, resistance and etc parameters were highly fitting for experimental data. The flexible amorphous silicon photovoltaic power generation system using Matlab Simulink, which connected with the lithium battery, realizes the maximum power point tracking control function, which verifies the validity of the model.
Key words: flexible amorphous silicon photovoltaic power generation system; lithium battery; equivalent circuit model; maximum power point tracking
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