(1 国网江苏省电力有限公司苏州供电分公司,江苏 苏州 215004;2 华北电力大学 电气与电子工程学院,北京 102206)
摘 要:接线模式的合理选择将有利于提升中压配电网的综合优化水平。在研究苏州地区电缆网接线模式的供电可靠性和经济性的基础上,提出了3 种兼顾供电可靠性和经济性的电缆接线模式的选取方法:包括可靠性绝对评价、可靠性增量比较和可靠性成本- 效益分析。结合苏州某商贸核心区负荷增长情况,利用3 种方法分析其合理的接线模式。分析结果表明,利用3 种方法综合分析可以在保证可靠性的同时,充分提高资源利用效率。
中图分类号:TM715 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2018)09-0021-09
Research on Cable Connection Modes Selection for Medium-Voltage
Distribution Network Considering Reliability and Economy
ZHANG Zhi-chang1, LI Bin2, LI Dong1
(1 State Grid Jiangsu Power Company Suzhou Power Supply Bureau, Suzhou 215004, China;
2 School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China)
Abstract: Reasonable selection of connection modes in medium-voltage distribution network will help to improve the comprehensive optimization level of distribution network. On the basis of the study of reliability and economy of the typical cable connection mode in Suzhou area, this paper proposed three kinds of selection methods of cable connection modes considering reliability and economy, including the reliability of absolute evaluation, comparative reliability increment and cost-benefit analysis of reliability. This paper used three methods to analyze the reasonable cable connection mode according to the local load growth situation in a commercial core area of Suzhou. The analysis results show that the three methods can ensure the reliability and fully improve the efficiency of resource utilization at the same time through comprehensive analysis.
Key words: medium voltage distribution network; typical connection mode; reliability; economy
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