(广东电网有限责任公司电网规划研究中心,广东 广州 510080)
摘 要:用电信息采集系统主要实现客户用电信息采集、用电行为监控、电能质量分析、电费自动结算等功能。介绍了系统的构成并分析了系统的功能需求,提出了双向互动业务集成的总体架构和用电信息采集流程,对包括居民、大用户、移动作业、电动汽车、分布式电源的用电信息采集系统的业务构成和相应功能进行了研究,为用电信息采集系统的建设和推广提供参考。
中图分类号:TM73 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2018)10-0060-04
Research on Electricity Information Acquisition System in Bilateral Interaction Between Power Grid and Users
HONG Hai-feng, YU Meng-ze, HUAN Jia-jia, SUI Yu, PAN Xian-xian
(Grid Planning & Research Center of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Guangzhou 510080, China)
Abstract: The electricity information acquisition system mainly realizes the electricity information acquisition, electricity utilization behavior monitoring, power quality analysis and electric charge automatic settlement etc functions. Introduction was made to the system constitute and analyzed the system function requirement. This paper proposed the whole framework and electricity information acquisition flow of bilateral interaction business integration and researched on the business composition and corresponding function of electricity information acquisition system, including residents, large users, mobile operations, electric vehicles and distributed generation, to provide references for the construction and promotion of the electricity information acquisition system.
Key words: smart grid; bilateral interaction; electricity information acquisition
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