(江苏南瑞帕威尔电气有限公司,江苏 南京 211103)
摘 要:以复合支柱绝缘子为研究对象,利用有限元分析数值计算方法对绝缘子电场进行分析计算,并探究均压环对绝缘子电场的改善作用。当绝缘子老化或者工艺欠缺而造成护套内有气泡时,极易发生放电、击穿以及烧蚀现象。同时绝缘子高压法兰部位第一个大小伞承担了较多的电压降,运行中容易造成绝缘失败。在绝缘子高压侧端部加装均压环,并针对均压环的尺寸和安装位置对绝缘子电场的影响进行分析。结果表明,绝缘子加装均压环可以明显改善绝缘子附近的电场分布,降低第一只伞上的电场;且均压环管径越大、外径越小时均压效果越明显。
中图分类号:TM216 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2018)10-0010-05
Research of Grading Ring Influence on Composite Insulator Electric Field
YAO Huai-lin, WU Qiu-liang
(Jiangsu Nari Power Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 2111 03, China)
Abstract: Taking the composite post insulator as the research object, this paper used the finite element analysis numerical computation method to carry out analysis and calculation for insulator electric fields and explored the impacts of grading ring on the insulator electric field. When the insulator aged or there were bubbles in the sheath due to technology defects, the discharge, breakdown and ablation phenomenon happened easily. And the field intensity concentrated around the first umbrella which might lead to the insulation fault, so a grading ring is set up at the end of high voltage flange and then its electrical field was calculated taking different dimensions and installation site of grading ring into consideration. The calculation results show that the insulator added the grading ring could obviously improve the electrical distribution around the insulator to reduce the electric field of the first umbrella, in addition, the electrical distribution will turn more average with larger diameter and more far location.
Key words: composite insulator; electrical field calculation; grading ring; insulation analysis
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