(国网安徽省电力有限公司滁州供电公司,安徽 滁州 239000)
摘 要:传统的低压开关柜仅有一路低压电源,当出现配变、低压开关及高低压电缆故障时,需花费大量时间进行故障查找和修复工作才能使用户恢复供电。研发了一款“新型双电源多备用插拔式低压开关柜”,该装置采用双电源进线,两路电源互为备用,有效避免了传统低压配电柜“故障即停电”的问题。采用模块化组装方式,故障抢修时拆卸和组装更加方便快捷。且箱体两端的U形把手和底部的万向轮方便人工运输,减少了作业强度,提高了作业效率。
中图分类号:TM591 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2018)11-0060-03
Development of New Type of Dual Power Supply Multi-Standby Plug Type Low-Voltage Switchgear
TANG Rui, LI Deng-feng, LIU Yang-yang
(Chuzhou Power Supply Company, State Grid Anhui Electric Power Limited Company, Chuzhou 239000, China)
Abstract: The traditional low-voltage switchgear has only a low-voltage power supply. When there is a distribution transform, low-voltage switch and the high & low voltage cable faults, the personnel needs to spend a lot of time on trouble shooting and repairing work, so as to restore the power supply for users. This paper developed a new type of dual power supply multi-standby plug type low-voltage switchgear. This device adopted dual power supply incoming line. The two power supplies were alternate to effectively avoid the traditional low-voltage power distribution cabinet "failure blackout" problem. The device adopted modular assembly method, so that it was more convenient to disassemble and assemble during repair, in addition, the u-shaped handles at both ends of the box and the universal wheel at the bottom were convenient for manual transportation, which reduces the working strength and improves the working efficiency.
Key words: dual power supply; standby; plug type; switchgear
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