(中国南方电网超高压输电公司柳州局,广西 柳州 545006)
摘 要:从现场运维实际出发,通过分析常见通道告警现象及原因,结合常用处理措施及存在的难点,指出目前的自环法、替换法难以快速经济地解决瞬时告警问题。结合光纤通道结构及通信原理,提出了研制自诊断数字接口装置及外接式通道录波装置的设想,认为最根本的办法是完善线路保护技术规范对保护装置、接口装置通道监视功能的要求,统一各厂家配置。
中图分类号:TM773 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2018)11-0044-05
Line Protection Fibre Channel Alarm Analysis and Improvement Ideas
WANG Rong-chao
(China Southern Power Grid EHV Transmission Company Liuzhou Bureau, Liuzhou 545006, China)
Abstract: Based on the actual situation of operation and maintenance in the field, combining the common treatment measures and the existing difficulties, this paper pointed out the current self-loop and replacement methods to solve the problem of instantaneous alarm quickly and economically by analyzing the common channel alarm phenomenon and its reason. Combining with the principle of fiber channel structure and communication, this paper proposed the idea of developing a self-diagnosis digital interface device and an external channel wave recording device. It is considered that the most fundamental solution is to perfect the requirements of channel protection technical specifications for the channel monitoring function of the protection device and the interface device, and to unify all manufacturers configuration.
Key words: line protection; fiber channel; channel alarm; channel improvement
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