Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2018-11-21 09:21 浏览次数:706
(南京理工大学 自动化学院,江苏 南京 210094)
    摘 要:针对无刷直流电机无位置控制中滤波器会引起磁链幅值和位置估计误差等问题,设计了一种能够抑制直流偏移获取准确位置的改进型转子磁链观测器。通过将二阶高通滤波器和纯积分器进行串联,可以有效减小位置估计误差。在基于控制器STM320F28335 的实验平台上实验,结果表明改进型转子磁链观测器能够准确估计转子位置,有效改善电流波形,实现电机的平稳高速运行。
    中图分类号:TM351     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2018)11-0005-05
Rotor Flux Observer Design for Sensorless Control of Brushless Direct Current Motor
(School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
    Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the amplitude and position estimation error of the magnetic chain, caused by the filter in the sensorless control of the brushless direct current (DC) motor, this paper designed a kind of improved rotor flux observer, which can restrain the accurate location of the DC offset. By combining two order high-pass filter and pure integrator, the position estimation error could be effectively reduced. The experiment on the experimental platform based on the controller STM320F28335 shows that the improved rotor flux observer can accurately estimate the rotor position, improve the current waveform effectively, and realize the smooth and high speed operation of the motor.
    Key words: brushless direct current motor; sensorless control; rotor flux observer; location estimation
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