17.5 kV开关柜雷电冲击试验击穿原因分析与优化
(江苏南瑞帕威尔电气有限公司,江苏 南京 211100)
摘 要:分析了17.5 kV开关柜在厂内试验中出现雷电冲击闪络击穿的问题及原因,得出绝缘距离不足、表面残余电荷、电场局部集中是导致雷电冲击闪络击穿或试验失败的主要原因。针对上述问题进行了安全距离的理论计算,探讨了残余电荷对U50 的影响,借助有限元分析尖端对电场场强分布的影响,并给出了相应的改进措施及建议,为提高产品雷电冲击试验通过率提供参考。
关键词:17.5 kV开关柜;雷电冲击试验;击穿
中图分类号:TM591;TM866 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2018)12-0055-03
Breakdown Analysis and Optimization of 17.5 kV Switchgear in Lightning Impulse Test
YAO Huai-lin, WU Qiu-liang, SONG Miao, SHI Wei-dong, LU Jun
(Jiangsu Nari Power Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 2111 00, China)
Abstract: This paper analyzed the lighting impulse flashover breakdown problem and causes of 17.5 kV switchgear during factory test. The results showed that the insufficient insulation distance, the residual surface charge and the location concentration were the main causes responsible for the lightning impulse flashover breakdown or the test failure. Aiming at the above problems, this paper carried out the theoretical calculation of the safe distance, discussed the influence of the residual charge on the U50, analyzed the influence of the tip on the electric field intensity distribution by means of the finite element method, and gave the corresponding improvement measures and suggestions, which provides references for the improvement of products lightning impulse test pass rate.
Key words: 17.5 kV switchgear; lightning impulse test; breakdown
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