Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2018-12-17 11:17 浏览次数:770
(许继电气股份有限公司,河南 许昌 461000)
    摘 要:为快速对继电保护装置、二次接线回路进行合理、全面的检修,并使检修对正常运行的其他设备产生的影响降到最低,提出了一种就地化保护装置,该保护装置采用无主分布式设计,任一子机既可独立运行,又和环网中其他子机相互配合,集成过程层、间隔层设备于一体,接线方便、配置简单。以220 kV典型变电站为例,采用就地化保护装置,屏柜数量降幅达60%以上,电缆、光缆使用数量大幅减少,建筑面积减少近50%,显著提升了基建安装的经济性,且减少了现场调试及运维人员的工作量。
    中图分类号:TM762.1+4;TM774     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2018)12-0050-05
Product Design and Application of Replacement-Oriented Overhaul
YU Shi-qian, QIAO Yan-tao, XU Xing-yu, SU Ya-xin, CHEN Sen, ZHANG Wen
(XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China)
    Abstract: In order to fast make a reasonable and comprehensive overhaul for the relay protection device and the secondary wiring circuit and to make the impacts of the overhaul on other equipments of normal operation drop to the minimum, this paper proposed a kind of local protection device, which adopted the dereliction distribution design. Any one of the sub-machines operated independently and cooperated with other sub-machines in the ring network. This design integrated the process layer and the interlayer into the equipment with easy wiring and simple configuration. Taking 220 kV typical transformer substation for example, the local protection device was adopted to make the number of screen cabinet reduce to more than 60%, the number of cable and optical cable usage reduce dramatically and the area of structure reduce nearly 50%, which obviously promotes the economy of capital construction installation and reduces the workload of onsite debugging
and operation and maintenance personnel.
    Key words: local protection; overhaul; ring network; secondary circuit
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