(中国南方电网超高压输电公司柳州局,广西 柳州 545006)
摘 要:为确定一起套管介质损耗缓慢增长的原因,分析了套管的油化、电气试验数据并调阅了该套管电容芯卷绕、装配记录,认为缺陷原因为电容芯子卷绕过程中因工艺问题造成电容芯子纸层贴合不均匀而出现了局部凸起,芯子的局部凸起在高电场作用下发生了局部放电,放电产生了特征气体并在电容芯子内逐步积累X- 蜡,长期局部放电造成油中溶解气体超标,介质损耗缓慢增长。套管解剖验证了分析的正确性,并从运维角度提出了预防措施。
关键词:套管;介损;油中溶解气体;局部放电;X- 蜡
中图分类号:TM216;TM835.4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2018)12-0041-03
Cause Analysis and Maintenance Measure of a Case of Transformer Bushing Dielectric Loss Slow Growth
WANG Gui-shan, LI Ying-hong, FANG Bo-yi
(Liuzhou Bureau of China Southern Power Grid Extra High Voltage PowerTransmission Company, Liuzhou 545006, China)
Abstract: In order to confirm the cause of a case of transformer bushing dielectric loss slow growth, this paper analyzed oiled transformer bushing and electrical test data and had access to this transformer bushing capacitance core winding and assembly recorder. The defect cause was considered as the local protrusion on surface of the capacitance core caused by accidental failure of the winding machine during the processing of winding, and the paper laminating uneven phenomenon caused the voltage partial discharge, which generated the characteristic gases and gradually made X-wax accumulated inside capacitance core. Long term partial dischargeresulted in oil dissolved gas exceeded and dielectric loss slowly grew. The transformer bushing dissection verifies the validity of the analysis and some precautionary measures are proposed from the perspective of operation and maintenance.
Key words: transformer bushing; dielectric loss; dissolved gas in oil; partial discharge; X-wax
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