Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2016-03-11 13:11 浏览次数:7


李蕾, 程汉湘,彭湃,陈杏灿,杨健 
(广东工业大学 自动化学院,广东 广州 510006) 

摘 要: 针对在直流偏磁状态下铁磁性材料磁滞回线发生畸变的现象,应用BP 神经网络理论在Matlab 平台上实现对磁控电抗器铁芯磁滞回线的拟合,并对直流偏磁下的绕组电流的畸变情况进行仿真。结果表明,经拟合之后的磁滞回线与实际测得值接近,各绕组电流变化情况与理论分析相符合,为研究直流偏磁下磁滞回线的拟合及电流畸变分析提供了有效的方法。
关键词: 磁滞回线;直流偏磁;BP 神经网络;磁控电抗器;电流畸变
中图分类号:TM471 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2015)11-0023-04

Matching of Hysteresis Loop Based on Magnetic Controlled Reactor 

LI Lei ,CHENG Han-xiang,
PENG Pai, CHEN Xing-can, YANG Jian
(Faculty of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology , Guangzhou 510006, China) 

Abstract: Aimed at the distortion of ferro magnetic material hysteresis loop under direct current magnetic bias, this paper used the back propagation neural network theory to realize matching of hysteresis loop based on magnetic controlled reactor on the platform of Matlab, simulating the winding current distortion under direct current magnetic bias. The results show that the matching hysteresis loop is close to the practical measured curve. The excitation current changes are consistent with theoretical analysis, which provides an effective approach for the research of hysteresis loop matching and current distortion under direct current magnetic bias.
Key words: hysteresis loop; direct current magnetic bias; back propagation neural network; magnetic controlled reactor; current distortion

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