(1 中国能源建设集团山西省电力勘测设计院有限公司,山西 太原 030073;2 武汉大学 电气与自动化学院,湖北 武汉 430072)
摘 要:以常见的水平排布的直埋单芯电缆为例,采用通过暂态热路法和有限元法,在等载流量情况下,计算两种电缆在突然过载后由90 ℃的稳态运行情况暂态向105 ℃的稳态过渡过程中的热时间常数,结果表明:相同的载流量时铝合金电缆的热时间常数大于铜电缆,即通过相同的时间,铝合金电缆的温升低于铜缆,暂态热路法和有限元法计算结果接近,过载情况下铝合金电缆具有较为优良的性能。
中图分类号:TM247 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)02-0027-04
Comparative Analysis of Transient Temperature Rise Process of Aluminum Alloy Cable and Copper Cable
LIU Jie1, LIANG Jing-long1, HAO Jing-liang1, HUANG Wei-hua1, ZHANG Yan-hui2, LAN Lei2, WANG Yu2
(1 Shanxi Electric Power Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd, China Energy Engineering Group Co., Ltd, Taiyuan 030073, China;
2 School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
Abstract: Taking a common horizontally-displaced single-core cable for example, this paper adopted the steady-state thermal path method and the finite element method to calculate the thermal time constant of two kinds of cables in the transition process from the steady-state operation at 90 °C to the steady-state operation at 105 °C after the sudden overload under the same current carrying capacity conditions. The result shows that the thermal time constant of the aluminum alloy cable is greater than that of the copper cable under the same current carrying capacity, that is, the temperature rise of the aluminum alloy cable is lower than that of the copper cable through the same time. The calculation results of transient thermal path method are close to the finite element method and the aluminum alloy cable has better performance under overload conditions.
Key words: aluminum alloy cable; copper cable; transient process; thermal time constant
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