(河南平高电气股份有限公司,河南 平顶山 467001)
摘 要:采用瞬态温度场与瞬态结构场耦合的计算方法,研究环氧树脂绝缘子产品在固化后的去应力过程中树脂内部所受到的热应力情况。以盆式绝缘子为对象,研究金属嵌件应力槽大小对绝缘子热应力的影响;以带中心导筒体的绝缘盘为对象,研究中心筒体壁厚对绝缘子热应力的影响。结果表明:随着应力槽的深度和宽度的增加,热应力的变化曲线呈现出凹字形分布,绝缘子内部热应力最大值位置均出现在与金属嵌件相结合面上;随着中心筒体壁厚逐渐增大,绝缘盘所受到的热应力逐渐增加。
中图分类号:TM216+.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)02-0023-04
Study on Thermal Stress of Insulator Resin and Metal Insert
LU Yin-hua, HOU Ya-feng, ZHENG Lin-nan, CHEN Rui, WU Ming-qing
(Henan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467001, China)
Abstract: The calculation method of transient temperature field and transient structural field coupling was adopted to study on the thermal stress inside the resin of epoxy resin insulator products in the process of stress relieving after curing. The basin-type insulator was taken as the research object to study on the influence of the stress slot size of the metal insert on the thermal stress of the insulator; the insulation disc of band center conducting cylinder was taken as the research object to study on the influence of center cylinder wall thickness on the insulator thermal stress. The result indicates that as the depth and width of the stress slot increases, the distribution of concave glyph is shown in the curve of thermal stress and the location of maximum thermal stress appears on the interface between the insulator and the metal insert. As the wall thickness of the central cylinder gradually increases, the thermal stress on insulating disc gradually increases.
Key words: insulator; metal insert; stress slot; thermal-stress coupled field
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