(南京工程学院 江苏省主动配电网重点建设实验室,江苏 南京 211167)
摘 要:随着分布式电源大量接入配电网中,传统的配电网故障恢复方法不能再应用于含分布式电源(DG)的配电网中。分析了DG的运行方式以及对故障恢复的积极作用,论述了含DG的配电网故障恢复的策略、数学模型与优化的研究现状,总结了不同策略应用于DG条件下配电网故障恢复的利弊,并指出了今后研究的问题和方向。
中图分类号:TM711 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)02-0001-05
Research Summary on Distribution Network Fault Recovery Containing DG
WU Jia-lu, ZHANG Qiang, XU Hui-min, JIANG Tian-qi, JI Yu-shun
(Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Active Distribution Network Construction, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 2111 67, China)
Abstract: As a large number of distributed electric power supplies are connected to the distribution network, the traditional fault recovery method is no longer directly used for the distribution network containing DG. This paper analyzed the operation mode of DG and its positive effect on the fault recovery, discussed the research status of fault recovery strategy, mathematical model and optimization of distribution network containing DG, summarized the advantages and disadvantages of applying different strategies to the distribution network fault recovery in DG condition and indicated the problems and directions of further study in future.
Key words: fault recovery; distributed generation; distribution network; optimization method
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