(国网山东省电力公司东营供电公司,山东 东营 257091)
摘 要:通过对影响氧化锌避雷器运行状态的各个指标参数进行分析,针对实际计算中比较模糊且难以量化的参数,引入模糊数学将多个模糊性的指标进行了处理,实现了指标的模糊量化分析;将指标对应的状态进行了量化分区,基于集对分析对指标与状态之间的联系度进行了计算,提出了一种基于模糊集对分析的氧化锌避雷器综合状态评估方法。该方法综合考虑了污秽、环境温度、降雨量、温升、相间温差、相对湿度、全电流、全电流变化率、阻性泄漏电流、泄漏电流变化率十项影响氧化锌避雷器运行状态的指标因素,将影响指标模糊化处理后应用集对分析理论进行综合评估,实现了对氧化锌避雷器较为全面、准确的状态评估。通过对某地区多台氧化锌避雷器进行实例分析,验证了该评估方法的有效性及可行性。
中图分类号:TM862 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)03-0028-04
Study on State Evaluation of Zinc Oxide Arrester Based on Fuzzy Set Pair Analysis
ZHAO Yan-wen, WANG Yin-zhong, QIN Peng-chao, ZHANG Jia-rui, LI Meng
(State Grid Dongying Power Supply Company, Dongying 257091, China)
Abstract: Via various index parameters analysis influencing on the running status of zinc oxide arresters, in allusion to the actual parameters fuzzy and difficult to quantify in the calculation, this paper introduced fuzzy mathematics to process the multiple fuzzy indices so as to the realize fuzzy quantitative analysis, and carried out quantitative partition for the corresponding state of indices.Based on the connection degree between the set pair analysis index and the state, this paper carried out calculation and proposed a kind of zinc oxide arresters comprehensive state evaluation method based on fuzzy set pair analysis.This method considered the pollution, environmental temperature, rainfall, temperature rise, temperature difference between phases, relative humidity, total current, total current change rate, resistive leakage current and leakage current change rate etc ten index factors affecting the running state of zinc oxide arresters, and carried out synthetic evaluation with set pair analysis after the fuzzification process of affecting index, which realizes the comprehensive and accurate state evaluation of zinc oxide arresters.Finally, the effectiveness and feasibility of this method are verified by the analysis of a number of zinc oxide arresters in a certain area.
Key words: fuzzy analysis; set pair analysis; zinc oxide arrester; state evaluation; analytic hierarchy process
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