(南京电力设计研究院有限公司,江苏 南京 210009)
摘 要:大电流低压短路试验,其负荷性质主要是冲击负荷,大的冲击负荷会导致电网电压暂降问题。介绍了大电流低压短路试验的负荷特征及其基本原理,对电压暂降EN、IEEE等国际组织以及国内相关标准中给出的电压暂降指标进行了详细的总结分析与比较,并给出了低压短路试验电压暂降推荐标准,供相关人员参考。
中图分类号:TM713 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)06-0065-04
An Exploration on Voltage Sag Index of Low Voltage and Large Current Short Circuit Test
ZHU Ying-jie
(Nanjing Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210009, China)
Abstract: In the high-current low-voltage short-circuit test, the load nature is mainly an impact load, and a large impact load will cause a sag in the grid voltage. This paper introduces the basic theory of the low voltage & high current short circuit test and its fundamental principle. Then voltage sag index in national standard and international standards of EN and IEEE and the literatures are summarized, analyzed and compared in detail. Finally, the recommended standard of voltage sag in low voltage short circuit test is given for reference.
Key words: short circuit test; voltage sag; recommended standard; SARFI index
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