(国家电网有限公司交流建设分公司,北京 100032)
摘 要:根据现行的绝缘油试验相关标准及施工验收规范,结合以往特高压工程建设经验及试验单位调研意见,对特高压工程绝缘油试验项目内容及划分、试验标准、试验费用等进行了梳理分析,并给出了预算定额及技术规程修订完善的意见与建议。以期减少在特高压工程建设管理过程中交接试验环节的专业协调工作,为后续特高压工程绝缘油交接试验工作规范开展与费用计列提供合理依据。
中图分类号:TM855 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)06-0062-03
Analysis on Problems of Insulation Oil Commission Test in UHV Project
DONG Ran, MA Wei-hua, LIU Zhen, WANG Yan, LIU Bo
(State Grid AC Engineering Construction Company, Beijing 100032, China)
Abstract: According to the current insulating oil test related standards and construction acceptance specifications, and combined with previous UHV project construction and the survey advises of relevant units, The content and division, test standards, test costs, etc. of insulating oil test items for UHV project were combed and analyzed, and suggestions and suggestions for budget quota and technical regulations revision were given. In order to reduce the professional coordination of the commission test in the UHV project construction management process, and provide a reasonable basis for the follow-up UHV project insulation oil commission test work specification and cost calculation.
Key words: UHV project; insulating oil; commission test
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