(正泰电气股份有限公司,上海 201614)
摘 要:变压器高压侧采用电缆出线,能够有效减小变电室的空间尺寸,减少建设成本和土地占用。介绍了现有的典型结构设计,分析了其优缺点,提出了进一步结构优化方案,降低变压器高度,优化引线结构后,取消油油套管出线,变压器线圈高压侧引线出头直接连接至电缆插拔头底座上。实际应用表明,在降低高度的同时简化了安装结构,并降低生产制造成本。
中图分类号:TM403 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)06-0059-03
Research on Optimization of Outlet Structure of Transformer Cable Plug-In Head
SONG Xin-qin, LI Run-xiang, ZHANG Quan-you
(Chint Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201614, China)
Abstract: The use of cable outlets on the high-voltage side of the transformer can effectively reduce the space dimensions of the substation, construction costs and land occupation. In this paper the existing typical structural design is introduced, its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed, and further structural optimization schemes are proposed to reduce the height of the transformer. After optimizing the lead structure, the oil bushing outlet is eliminated, and the high-voltage side lead outlet of the transformer coil is directly connected to the cable plug on the head base. Practical application shows that while reducing the height, it simplifies the installation structure and reduces production costs.
Key words: transformer; cable plug; optimization
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