(1 国核示范电站有限责任公司,山东 威海 264300;2 上海核工程研究设计院有限公司,上海 200235)
摘 要:以AP1000核电机组依托项目调试过程中,1E级充电器对放电完成后的蓄电池进行再充电过程中出现的输出波动及主熔丝熔断故障为例,对故障原因进行了分析,并提出采取更新主控板固件及标准接口板等相应的处理措施,经仿真模拟及现场验证,AP1000 1E级充电器输出振荡及主熔丝熔断故障得到了有效处理,保障了1E 级直流及UPS 系统的安全稳定运行。
中图分类号:TM623 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)06-0043-04
Analysis and Solution of Battery Charger Output Oscillation Incident
JIA Hou-kang1, YANG Ya-ju2
(1 State Nuclear Power Demonstration Plant Co.,Ltd, Weihai 264300, China;
2 Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute Co.,Ltd, Shanghai 200235, China)
Abstract: Taking the AP1000 nuclear power unit's debugging process based on the project as an example, the output fluctuations and main fuse blowing faults occurred during the recharging of the battery after the discharge was completed by the 1E-Class charger. The corresponding processing measures such as the control board firmware and standard interface board, after simulation and field verification, the output oscillation of the AP1000 1E-Class charger and the main fuse blowing fault have been effectively handled, ensuring the safe and stable operation of the 1E DC and UPS systems.
Key words: AP1000 nuclear power unit; 1E-Class charger; output oscillation; main fuse blowing; loop controller
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