计及N -1准则的含光伏发电系统运行风险的评估
(南京弘毅电气自动化有限公司,江苏 南京 210039)
摘 要:为了研究光伏接入对系统运行风险的影响,介绍了基于非参数核密度估计建立光伏电站出力概率模型的方法,在此基础上引入Well-being框架,提出了考虑N -1安全准则的含光伏发电的系统运行风险评估算法。以IEEE RTS系统为例进行了算例分析,算例结果证明了基于非参数核密度估计建立光伏不确定性模型和所提出的考虑N -1安全准则的系统风险评估算法的正确性。
关键词:光伏发电系统;非参数核密度估计;N -1准则;Well-being框架;运行风险
中图分类号:TM615;TM715 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)06-0029-05
Considering N-1 of Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems Run the Risk Assessment Criteria
LI Cong-fei
(Nanjing Hongyi Electric Automation Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210039, China)
Abstract: In order to study the impact of photovoltaic access on system operation risk, this paper introduces the method of establishing the probabilistic model of photovoltaic power plant output based on non-parametric kernel density estimation. On this basis, the Well-being framework is introduced, and the operational risk assessment algorithm of the photovoltaic power generation system considering N-1 safety criteria is proposed. Taking the IEEE RTS system as an example, a case analysis is carried out. The results of the example prove the correctness of the system risk assessment algorithm based on the non-parametric kernel density estimation to establish the photovoltaic uncertainty model and the proposed N-1 safety criterion.
Key words: photovoltaic power generation system; non-parametric kernel density estimation; N-1 criteria; Well-being framework; operational risk
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