(1 上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院,上海 200072;2 雷勃电气(苏州)有限公司,江苏 苏州 215400)
摘 要:提出一种静态频率响应检测永磁同步电机d轴电感和q轴电感的方法,介绍了该方法的测量原理及实验步骤,该方法让转子停留在任意给定的位置,无需在检测过程中校准永磁转子位置而避免由于位置不精确导致测量误差。将该方法应用于SPM和IPM电机的电感检测,通过调整交流电源的电流、频率和永磁电机转子磁极的位置等多维度下检测的数据,验证了该方法的检测数据和有限元仿真计算数据相接近。将检测参数应用到SPM和IPM的电机控制中,验证了该检测方法数据在工程应用中的有效性及优越性。
中图分类号:TM351 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)07-0051-05
A Frequency Response Method for Measuring d-Axial and q-Axial Inductance of PMSM
LU Mao-xiang1,2, QIU Zhi-jian1
(1 School of Mechatronic Engineeringand Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China;
2 Regal Beloit (Suzhou) Co., Ltd, Suzhou 215400, China)
Abstract: This paper introduced a standstill frequency response method for measuring d-axial inductance and q-axial inductance of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) during PMSM development and design processing.The method is applied with the rotor at standstill in a given arbitrary position, without requirement of calibration for the rotor position in testing; it is avoid measurement errors due to inaccurate position.Meanwhile, this method was applied to the SPM and IPM motor inductance detection, adjusting the output current and frequency of AC power supply and the position of PMSM rotor to verify the consistency between detection data of this method and FEA (finite element analysis)result. Finally, the validity and superiority of this detection method in engineering application are verified by applying the parameters to the control of SPM and IPM.
Key words: permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM); frequency response; d-axial inductance; q-axial inductance; FEA
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