Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2020-08-20 13:20 浏览次数:855
(1 国网雄安新区供电公司,河北 雄安 071000;2 平高集团有限公司,河南 平顶山 467000)
    摘 要:为解决配电网10 kV台区时段性、季节性过载/ 重载问题,研发了一款功率为100 kW,容量为400 kW·h的移动式储能系统来对配电网10 kV台区进行柔性补强,以避免对过渡期电网重复投资。对移动式储能系统的方案设计、控制策略、工程实践等进行了阐述,实际应用情况表明,采用配置灵活、移动方便的移动式储能系统既可有效解决现状电网薄弱问题,又可以避免对过渡期配电网重复建设,是解决配电网过载/重载、供电可靠性低等问题的创新解决方案。
    中图分类号:TM712;TM761     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2020)08-0047-05
Research and Innovative Practice of Power Grid Flexible Reinforcement Technology with Mobile Energy Storage System
LIU Hai-feng1,YANG Xin-ke2, LI Zhi-lei1, KONG Yu-hui2, SHA Yun-peng2, QIAO Hui-jie2
(1 State Grid Xiong’an New Area Power Supply Company, Xiong’an 071000, China; 2 Pinggao Group Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467000, China)
    Abstract: In order to solve the problem of periodical and seasonal overload/heavy load in the 10 kV station area of the distribution network, a mobile energy storage system with a power of 100 kW and a capacity of 400 kW·h was developed to flexibly reinforce the 10 kV station area of the distribution network, to avoid repeated investment in the power grid during the transition period. The scheme designs, control strategy, engineering practice, etc. of the mobile energy storage system are described. The actual application shows that use of a mobile energy storage system with flexible configuration and convenient movement can effectively solve the current problem of weak power grid, and avoid repeated construction of the distribution network during the transition period, and it is an innovative solution to the problems of distribution network over/overload and low power supply reliability.
    Key words: mobile energy storage; flexible reinforcement of power grid; control strategy; battery management system
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