(国网宁夏电力有限公司电力科学研究院,宁夏 银川 750011)
摘 要:针对超高压输电线路绝缘架空地线上可能产生过大的感应电压问题,以330 kV线路为例,采用有限元分析软件对不同运行及检修工况下绝缘架空地线上产生的感应电压进行仿真,并根据仿真结果设计了一种专用于绝缘架空地线的新型接地装置。经现场应用验证表明,导、地线间距及导线排列方式、相序( 同塔双回线路) 等是影响绝缘架空地线感应电压大小的重要因素,且在线路不同工况下,绝缘架空地线上均可能产生较大感应电压;所设计的接地装置能在避免检修人员电弧伤害的同时将绝缘架空地线可靠限制在地电位。
中图分类号:TM755;TM862 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)08-0017-05
Research on the Induced Voltage and Its Influencing Factors of Insulated Overhead Ground Wire for EHV Transmission Line
LI Qi-chao, WU Hong, YANG Kai, FANG Zi-yi
(State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Company Electric Power Research Institute, Yinchuan 750011 , China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem of excessive induced voltage on insulated overhead ground wires of UHV transmission lines, in this paper, it takes 330 kV line as an example, and uses finite element analysis software to simulate and analyze the induced voltage generated on insulated overhead ground wires under different operating and maintenance working conditions, and devised a new kind of grounding device dedicated to the insulated overhead ground wires according to the simulation results. The results show that the distance between the conductor line and ground wire, the arrangement of the lines and the phase sequence (common-tower double-circuit line) are important factors that affecting the magnitude of the induced voltage of insulated overhead ground wires. The devised grounding device can reliably limit the insulated overhead ground wire to ground potential while avoiding the arc injury of maintenance personnel.
Key words: high voltage technique; insulated overhead ground wire; finite element simulation; induced voltage; grounding device
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