江苏方天电力技术有限公司,江苏 南京 211102
摘 要:介绍了国家电网公司对气体绝缘开关设备(GIS) 类设备交流耐压的相关标准,比较了两种辅助检测方法特高频法(UHF) 和超声波法(AE) 的差异及对同类信号源的检测效果。针对两起耐压试验击穿事件,对试验中绝缘缺陷发现的过程进行分析,结果表明从严执行标准对交接耐压试验中高效发现设备绝缘隐患具有重要作用,综合运用UHF 和AE 检测法,实现两者的优势互补,可排除干扰因素对判读信号的影响。
中图分类号:TM855 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2015)12-0033-03
Efficient Found of Insulation Defect in Alternating Current Withstand Voltage Test of Gas Insulated Switchgear
YAN Peng-zhi, HUANG Xuan-cheng, LIU Quan, ZHAO Kai-qiang
Jiangsu Frontier Electric Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102, China
Abstract: Introduction was made to the corresponding standard of alternating current withstand voltage test of gas insulated switchgear (GIS) type in state grid corporation of China. This paper compared the differences of two kinds of auxiliary detection methods, ultrahigh frequency (UHF) and ultrasonic (AE) and the detection effect of similar signal sources. Aiming at the two breakdown events of withstand voltage tests, this paper analyzed the process of insulation defect discovery in test. The results show that the seriously executive standard plays an important role in finding the hidden dangers of equipment insulation for alternating current withstand voltage tests. The comprehensive application of UHF and AE detection methods could compensate each other's advantages, suppressing the impacts of interference factors on identification signals.
Key words: gas insulated switchgear; alternating current withstand voltage test; insulation defect
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