(1 保定电力职业技术学院,河北 保定 071051;2 中冀电力集团股份有限公司,河北 保定 071051;3 鼎阳智电慧服科技股份有限公司,河北 保定 071051)
摘 要:某电力施工工程,调试运行大负荷用电设备时出现线路压降偏大、三相电流运行不平衡、设备接地线路接地电流异常现象,且电缆桥架有剧烈振动并伴随较大的工频噪声,通过对线路阻抗电压、二次电流产生的原因、运行电缆相互作用力等方面的理论计算和原理分析,结合实际测量并进行问题排查,论证了造成以上现象的主要因素。经过现场问题的排查和总结,纠正了施工过程中工艺的错误,并给出了正确的施工工艺,消除了运行隐患。
中图分类号:TM726.4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)11-0044-05
Analysis on the Cause of the Vibration and the Abnormal Current of Grounding System of Low Voltage Cable Bridge
WANG Ya-qing1, ZHANG Guo-xing2, LIU Hui-jiao3
(1 Baoding Electric Power VOC.&TECH. College, Baoding 071051, China;
2 Zhongji Power Group Co., Ltd, Baoding 071051, China;
3 Dinyoung Intelligent Electric Power Service Technology Co., Ltd, Baoding 071051, China)
Abstract: In an electric power construction project, when debugging and operating heavy load electric equipment, there are large line voltage drop, unbalanced operation of three-phase current, abnormal grounding current of equipment grounding line, and violent vibration of cable bridge accompanied by large power frequency noise.Through theoretical calculation and principle analysis on the causes of line impedance voltage, secondary current, interaction force of operating cable, combined with the actual measurement and troubleshooting, the main factors causing the above phenomenon are demonstrated.Through the investigation and summary of the field problems, the errors in the process of construction are corrected, and the correct construction process is given, which eliminates the operation hidden dangers, promotes the progress of the construction technology of the construction party to a certain extent, and better guarantees the safe operation of the equipment.
Key words: grounding current; electromagnetic induction; magnetomotive force; interaction force; alternating magnetic field
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