Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2020-12-18 15:18 浏览次数:802
(常州博瑞电力自动化设备有限公司,江苏 常州 213025)
    摘 要:某静止无功发生器(SVG)运行时,模块间连接铜排局部温升会远超出温升限值,迫使SVG退出运行,其所在母线因为失去无功支撑,电压大幅下降,严重威胁系统的稳定性。针对SVG模块间连接铜排局部过热的问题,排除了常规因素截面、集肤效应、接触电阻等的影响,通过理论计算与仿真对比分析出铜排过热原因为铜排结构及布置方式不合理,通过调整铜排结构、布置方式以及对SVG自身结构的改进等措施,将铜排温升限制在合理范围内,保障SVG安全可靠运行,以提供稳定的电压支撑。
    中图分类号:TM714.3;TM761     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2020)12-0061-05
Analysis of Copper Bar Heating Problem Used for Static Var Generator Module
Connecting and Optimization Method Research
GUO Li-li, ZHENG Yi, ZHANG Ke-qian, TAO Jia
(NR Electric Power Electronics Co., Ltd, Changzhou 213025, China)
    Abstract: When a static var generator (SVG) is running, the local temperature rise of the copper busbars connected between the modules will far exceed the temperature rise limit, forcing the SVG to exit operation. The bus bar on which it is located loses reactive support and the voltage drops significantly, which seriously threatens the system stability. Aiming at the local overheating of copper bars connected between SVG modules, the influence of conventional factors such as cross-section, skin effect, contact resistance, etc. has been eliminated. Through theoretical calculation and simulation comparison, it is analyzed that the reason for copper bar overheating is that the structure and layout of copper bars are unreasonable. By adjusting the structure and layout of the copper bar, and improving the structure of the SVG itself, the temperature rise of the copper bar is limited to a reasonable range, and the safe and reliable operation of the SVG is guaranteed to provide stable voltage support.
    Key words: static var generator; copper bar; heating phenomenon; simulation; optimization
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