(1 中国南方电网超高压输电公司南宁局,广西 南宁 530021;2 南京电力金具设计研究院有限公司,江苏 南京 211500;3 中国能源建设集团南京线路器材有限公司,江苏 南京 211500)
摘 要:超高压输电线路中耐张线夹的引流板出现不明原因发热甚至烧损现象,经停电检修处理后,仍然发生此类发热故障。通过收集超高压输电线路中耐张线夹引流板发热造成有缺陷的实物,据此进行发热原因分析,并进行模拟线路运行的电阻和温升试验,试验验证了电力复合脂导流性能差、螺栓松动后接触压力降低和接触面处理不当是造成引流板严重发热甚至烧损的主要原因。
中图分类号:TM726 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)12-0052-04
Analysis and Experimental Study on the Causes of Heating of Drainage Plate of Transmission Line
WU Zheng-shu1, ZHANG Ming-zhou1, ZHANG Li-na2, XUN Xue-feng3, LI Qing-yan3
(1 Nanning Bureau of EHV Transmission Company, China Southern Power Urid Co., Ltd, Nanning 530021, China;
2 Nanjing Power Fitting Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211 500, China;
3 Nanjing Line Accessories Co.,Ltd of China Energy Engineering Group, Nanjing 211 500, China)
Abstract: This paper study a case that the drain plate of the tension clamp in the ultra-high voltage transmission line has heat or even burned for unknown reasons. This type of heat failure still occurs after the power failure is repaired. By collecting the defective objects caused by the heating of the tension clamp drain plate in the ultra-high voltage transmission line, the reason of heating was analyzed based on this, and the resistance and temperature rise tests that simulated the operation of the line were carried out. The test verified the poor conductivity of the power compound grease. The decrease in contact pressure and improper handling of the contact surface after the bolts are loose are the main reasons for the serious heating and even burning of the draft plate.
Key words: drainage plate; burn after heating; electrical joint compound; contact pressure; contact surface
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