(南京航空航天大学 自动化学院,江苏 南京 211106)
摘 要:高频高压状态下变压器会在极短的时间内遭遇电压的冲击,出现电压分布不均匀的情况,将对变压器内部绝缘产生影响,故对变压器分布参数研究时划分要更加细致,还要考虑变压器铁芯磁路和负载情况。以应用于静电除尘系统内的高频高压变压器工作情况为例,建立了变压器场路耦合模型,结合工作中变压器带负载的情况以及建模分析时铁芯对电感参数的影响,对于无法实测的量选取相关量进行仿真测试,结合变压器铁芯计算模型,在特定研究范围内对变压器铁芯进行简化等效,并对场路耦合模型短路和开路状态下的铁芯设置相应磁导率,将ANSYS仿真和试验得到的对数阻抗频率响应曲线相比较,证明了场路耦合模型建模与验证的正确性。
中图分类号:TM401+.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2020)12-0013-06
Research on Field-Circuit Coupling Modeling of High Voltage and High Frequency Transformer
(College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 2111 06, China)
Abstract: Under the condition of high frequency and high voltage, the transformer will encounter the voltage impulse in a very short time, and the non-linear voltage distribution will affect the internal insulation of the transformer. Therefore, the voltage distribution parameters of transformer should be divided more carefully, and the magnetic circuit and load of transformer should be considered. Taking the operating condition of high frequency and high voltage transformer applied in electrostatic precipitator system as an example, the field circuit coupling model of transformer is established. According to the load condition of the transformer in operation and the influence of iron core on inductance parameters during modeling and analysis, the relevant parameters are selected for simulation test for the parameter that cannot be measured, and the calculation model of transformer core is combined. Within the scope , the transformer core is simplified and equivalent, and the corresponding permeability is set for the iron core under the short circuit and open circuit state of the field circuit coupling model. The logarithmic impedance frequency response curve obtained by ANSYS simulation and test is compared, which proves the correctness of the field circuit coupling model modeling and verification.
Key words: electrostatic precipitator; LCC resonant circuit; field-circuit coupling model; simplified transformer core; ANSYS simulation
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