(1 国网江苏省电力有限公司扬州供电分公司,江苏 扬州 225001;
2 南京工程学院, 江苏 南京 211167)
摘 要:永磁驱动机构运动部件少、可靠性高,用于剩余电流重合闸断路器是一种创新的探索。介绍了基于永磁机构的剩余电流重合闸断路器工作原理、结构、永磁机构类型及驱动方式的选择,采用
Maxwe Ⅱ软件进行合闸机械特性、分闸机械特性的仿真优化,调整分闸弹簧、触头弹簧,使该产品的触头压力、分断速度达到一个优良的组合。经试验验证,设计的重合闸剩余电流断路器达到了高分断、高可靠、长寿命的设计要求。
中图分类号:TM561 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)01-0039-04
Design of Residual Current Reclosing Circuit Breaker
Based on Permanent Magnet Mechanism
CHEN Wu1, ZHU Jing-jing1, ZHU Zun-yi2
(1 State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd Yangzhou Power Supply Branch, Yangzhou 225001 ,China;
2 Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 2111 67,China)
Abstract: Permanent magnet drive mechanism has few moving parts and high reliability. It is an innovative exploration to be used inresidual current reclosing circuit breaker. This paper introduces the working principle and structure of residual current reclosing circuitbreaker based on permanent magnet mechanism, the selection of permanent magnetic mechanism type and driving mode. The simulation andoptimization design process of closing mechanical characteristics and opening mechanical characteristics are carried out by using MaxweII software. By adjust the opening spring and contact spring make the contact pressure and breaking speed of the product reach an excellentcombination. Tests have shown that the designed reclosing residual current circuit breaker meets the design requirements of high breaking,high reliability and long life.
Key words: residual current reclosing circuit breaker; residual current; permanent magnet operating mechanism; reliability
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