(国网洛阳供电公司,河南 洛阳 471000)
摘 要:变压器随着容量的不断增大,线圈的漏磁场不断增强,从而在运行时,导致各导线间感应出无用的环流损耗迅速增加,为了减小环流损耗,需要进行导线换位。研究了有限元分析方法对单相电力变压器模型的仿真,提出了普通克里金模型与粒子群算法相结合的新型高效全局优化算法,并比较分析了不同绕组导线换位方式下的变压器环流损耗大小,得到了最小环流损耗的最佳匝数分配方案。该方法不但保证了优化的准确度,而且进一步缩短了优化中的计算时间。优化结果与当前应用于工业的设计方案相比,其环流损耗得到了很大的降低。
中图分类号:TM41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)01-0030-05
Comparative Analysis of Circulating Current Loss in Power
Transformer with Different Winding Wire Transpositions
REN Ya-jun, HAN Jun-feng, ZHANG Feng
(State Grid Luoyang Power Supply Company, Luoyang 471000, China)
Abstract: As the capacity of the transformer continues to increase, the leakage magnetic field of the coil continues to increase, which leads to a rapid increase in the useless circulating current loss induced between the wires during operation. In order to reduce the circulatingcurrent loss, the wire needs to be transposed. The simulation of the single-phase power transformer model by the finite element analysismethod is studied, and a new efficient global optimization algorithm combining the ordinary Kriging model and the particle swarm algorithmis proposed. It also compares and analyzes the circulating current loss of the transformer under different winding wire transposition methods,and obtains the optimal number of turns distribution scheme with the smallest circulating current loss. This method not only guarantees theaccuracy of optimization, but also further shortens the calculation time in optimization. Compared with the design scheme currently appliedin industry, the optimized result has greatly reduced the circulating current loss.
Key words: power transformer; winding wire transposition; circulating current loss; Kriging model; particle swarm optimization
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