(国网成都供电公司,四川 成都 610041)
摘 要:快速准确测量配网系统对地电容电流是消弧线圈容量选择及消弧线圈调谐的重要保障。基于成都电网10 kV 配电系统,阐述了基于中性点注入异频信号的电容电流测试方法,分析了现场电容电流测试过程中可能存在的误差来源,并提出按周期定期校验电容电流测试仪,不合格仪器禁止使用等措施来提高电容电流测试准确度。
中图分类号:TM933 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)02-0053-05
Study on Error Sources of Capacitive Current Based on
Signals Injection Method
LUO Yang, TANG Ding-kai, LI Bo, LUO Ji, CHEN Jia, LIU Jia, YANG Guang
(State Grid Chengdu Power Supply Company, Chengdu 610041, China)
Abstract: Rapid and accurate measurement of distribution network system capacitance current to ground is an important guarantee for arc suppression coil capacity selection and arc suppression coil tuning. In view of the 10 kV distribution system of Chengdu power grid, this paper expounds the capacitive current test method based on neutral point injection of different frequency signal, analyzes the possible error sources in the process of on-site capacitive current test, and puts forward some measures to improve the accuracy of capacitive current test,such as periodic calibration of capacitive current tester, prohibition of use of unqualified instruments, etc.
Key words: distribution network system; capacitive current; neutral point; different frequency signal; error source
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