一起发电厂10 kV互感器柜过电压保护器爆炸事故的分析
(中国大唐集团科学技术研究院有限公司华东电力试验研究院,安徽 合肥 230088)
摘 要:以某电厂10 kV输煤空压机A 段母线电压互感器柜发生爆炸引起10 kVA段进线开关跳闸为例,论述了电压互感器柜内过电压保护器发生爆炸及故障发展的全过程。经过对继电保护波形分析、电压互感器柜爆炸现场检查及过电压保护器的破拆结果观察,综合判断本次10 kV母线电压互感器柜发生爆炸的直接原因为柜内过电压保护器发生电弧放电,引起A相、B相相间短路,进而导致三相母排之间发生短路,短路产生的电弧将母排和母线连接柜金属隔板烧损。为防类似事故再次发生,给出了防范措施。
中图分类号:TM451 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)02-0040-04
Analysis of an Explosion of 10 kV Transformer Cabinet Overvoltage Protective Devices in Power Station
YANG Qing-he
(China Datang Corporation Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd, East China Electric Power Test
Research Institute, Hefei 230088, China)
Abstract: Taking a power plant's 10 kV coal conveying air compressor A section busbar voltage transformer cabinet that exploded, causing the 10 kV A section incoming switch to trip as an example, the whole process of explosion and failure development of the overvoltage protector in the voltage transformer cabinet is discussed. After analyzing the waveform of the relay protection, on-site inspection of the explosion of the voltage transformer cabinet and the observation of the overvoltage protector, it is comprehensively judged that the direct cause of the explosion of the 10 kV busbar voltage transformer cabinet is the occurrence of arc discharge in the overvoltage protector in the cabinet.The arc discharge causes a short circuit between phases A and B, which in turn causes a short circuit among the three-phase busbars. The arc generated by the short circuit burns the metal partitions of the busbar and the busbar connection cabinet. This article gives preventive measures to prevent similar accidents from happening again.
Key words: switchgear; overvoltage protector; three-phase four column; metal oxide arrester
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