(1 国网电力科学研究院有限公司, 江苏 南京 211000;2 国网电科院检测认证技术有限公司, 江苏 常州 213000)
摘 要:研究了高压交流断路器电容器组开合直接试验的回路参数计算方法。针对单个电容器组开合直接试验,通过对电压进行标幺值化并结合二阶电路解析计算和Zeroin数值算法的计算方法,计算不同振幅系数下的系数K,从而计算调频支路参数,使恢复电压起始部分的包络线满足标准要求,计算结果精确,不需要人为调整。针对背靠背电容器组开合直接试验,建立了关于涌流频率、开断电流、标准恢复电压以及回路原理的方程组,并在计算过程中使用了等效寄生电感L 的初始值计算公式和涌流阻尼电阻计算公式,缩短计算时间且使解得的参数同时满足涌流频率、涌流峰值、阻尼系数和标准恢复电压的要求。
中图分类号:TM53 ;TM561 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)03-0052-06
Parameter Calculation Method of High Voltage Capacitor Bank Switching Direct Test
ZHANG Ling1,2, WANG Hai-bo1,2, HU Guan1,2, CHEN Ming-liang1,2, HONG Shen1,2, CHEN Yong1,2
(1 State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Nanjing 211000, China;
2 State Grid Power Testing and Certification Technology Co., Ltd, Changzhou 213000, China)
Abstract: This paper studies the calculation method of test circuit parameters for direct test of capacitor bank switching of high-voltage AC circuit-breaker. For single capacitor bank switching test, this paper calculates the coefficient K under different amplitude factor to calculate the parameters of frequency modulation branch by the method of combining analytical calculation of second-order circuit and Zeroin numerical algorithm in per unit. With this method, the envelope of the initial part of the recovery voltage can meet the requirements of the standard. The calculation result is accurate and do not need to be adjusted manually. For back to back capacitor bank switching test, this paper establishes equations of inrush current frequency, switching current, standard recovery voltage and circuit principle so as to obtain the test parameters which can meet requirements of inrush current frequency, inrush current peak value, damping coefficient and standard recovery voltage simultaneously. Calculation formulas of initial value of equivalent parasitic inductance L and inrush damping resistance are used to shorten calculation time and make the parameters obtained meet the requirements of inrush current frequency, inrush current peak value, damping factor and standard recovery voltage.
Key words: high power laboratory; capacitive current switching; capacitor bank; inrush current; numerical algorithm
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