(深圳供电局有限公司,广东 深圳 518000)
摘 要:针对当前变电站中使用的超声波驱鸟器工作模式单一,易于被鸟类所适应的问题,研制了一种多模式超声波驱鸟器。该驱鸟器硬件上增加了温度传感器及通信模块,可实现驱鸟程序在线升级;软件上采用9 种工作模式,其中模式1 ~模式6 用于定时触发,模式7 ~模式9 用于探测器触发。对于模式1 ~模式6,可在不同的气温和时间点下采取不同的工作频度,即鸟类筑巢概率越高,驱鸟器工作越频繁;对于模式7 ~模式9,可根据探测器触发的时间间隔变化情况采取不同的扫频速度和定频频点,即当驱鸟效果不佳时自动改变驱鸟器工作方式。与传统驱鸟器相比,多模式超声波驱鸟器可根据鸟类活动情况有针对性地采取相应工作模式,其驱鸟频点的算法具有一定自适应性,可有效解决鸟类对驱鸟器的适应性问题。
中图分类号:TM772 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)03-0035-06
Research of Multi-Mode Ultrasonic Bird Repellent Device
LI Rui
(Shenzhen Power Supply Co., Ltd, Shenzhen 518000, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the ultrasonic bird repeller used in the current substation has a single working mode and is easy to be adapted by birds, a multi-mode ultrasonic bird repeller has been developed. The hardware of the bird repeller adds a temperature sensor and communication module, which can realize the online upgrade of the bird repeller program; the software adopts 9 working modes, among which mode 1~mode 6 are used for timing triggering, and mode 7~mode 9 are used for detector triggering. For modes 1 to 6, different working frequencies can be adopted at different temperatures and time points, that is, the higher the probability of birds nesting, the more frequent the bird repellent works; For modes 7 to 9, different sweep speeds and fixed frequency points can be adopted according to the time interval change of the detector triggering, that is, the working mode of the bird repellent is automatically changed when the bird repellent effect is not good. Compared with traditional bird repellents, multi-mode ultrasonic bird repellents can adopt corresponding working modes in a targeted manner according to the activities of birds. The algorithm of bird repellent frequency has a certain degree of adaptability, which can effectively solve the problem of adaptability of birds to bird repellents.
Key words: substation; bird damage; ultrasonic; bird repelling; adaptability
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