(江苏方天电力技术有限公司,江苏 南京 210096)
摘 要:针对电力企业中电费风险产生原因和电费催收存在的问题,分析了区块链技术的特性,给出了基于区块链技术的电费催收系统架构及系统设计的关键技术。该系统为催收行为所可能产生的舆情风险提供保障,使用区块链中分布式账本维持着区块链数据在各个节点中的状态相同,保证数据的完整性,有利于对催收和催缴数据的维护,解决了传统催收举证困难及客户对电力企业催收行为满意度低等问题。
中图分类号:F407.61 ;TM715 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)04-0056-06
Research and Implementation of Electricity Charge Collection and Risk
Prevention and Control Based on Blockchain Technology
XU Jie-xiong, YIN Fei, YU Zhong-jie, CHEN Zuo, YAN Si-yu
(Jiangsu Fangtian Power Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210096, China)
Abstract: This paper directed at the causes of electricity charge risk and the problems of electricity charge collection in power enterprises,the characteristics of blockchain technology are analyzed, and the architecture of electricity charge collection system based on blockchain technology and the key technologies of system design are given. The system provides protection for the public opinion risk caused by the collection behavior, and uses the distributed ledger in the blockchain to maintain the same state of blockchain data in each node, it is ensure the integrity of data and conducive to the maintenance of collection and collection data, the problems of traditional collection that difficult and low customer satisfaction are solved.
Key words: blockchain; risk prevention and control; electricity collection; decentralization
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