1 100 kV GIS/GIL产品电气试验专用工装的设计
(中国启源工程设计研究院有限公司,陕西 西安 710018)
摘 要:气体绝缘开关设备 (GIS) 和气体绝缘输电线路 (GIL) 产品的出厂电气试验通常是在总装车间内进行的,根据某 1 100 kV GIS/GIL 总装车间电气试验需求,设计了满足工频耐压试验、局放试验及冲击试验的专用工装。采用六氟化硫(SF6)气体绝缘试验变压器和冲击发生器降低了厂房高度,节约了厂房建设投资;为确定工频电源补偿容量,计算了计及试验工装后的负载电容电流,还利用 ATP-EMTP 评估了 GIS/GIL 工装电容、电阻和电感对雷电冲击试验波形参数的影响,可供相关的试验技术人员参考。
中图分类号:TM866 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)05-0059-05
Design of Special Tooling for Electrical Test of 1 100 kV GIS/GIL Products
JI Xiao-zhen, LI Hua-liang, PANG Ming-ming, WU Geng-bo, JING Ya-ke
(China Qiyuan Engineering Corporation, Xi'an 710018, China)
Abstract: The electrical test of GIS/GIL is usually carried out in assembly workshop. Due to product assembly, inflation and standing time is long and electrical test time is short. In order to improve test efficiency, the manufacturers usually adopt the technological process of assembling multiple products at the same time and then to conduct electrical test one by one. Therefore, the design of special electrical test apparatus is particularly important. According to the electrical test demand of an 1 100 kV GIS/GIL assembly workshop, the special test apparatus is designed to meet the demand of power frequency withstand voltage test, partial discharge test and impulse voltage test. The SF6 type test transformer and impulse voltage generator are used to reduce the height of workshop and save the construction investment. In order to determine the compensation capacity of power supply, the load capacitance current considering test apparatus is taken into account and calculated. In addition, ATP-EMTP is used to evaluate the influence of GIS/GIL capacitance, resistance and inductance on lightning impulse test waveform parameters, which can be referred by relevant test technicians.
Key words: gas insulated switchgear; test apparatus; partial discharge; electrical test
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