Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2021-05-25 13:25 浏览次数:714


(中车工业研究院有限公司,北京 100070)
    摘 要:运用虚拟阻抗技术进行谐波补偿,可降低供电电压的谐波畸变率,从而改善电压质量。分析了电力机车谐波电流对交直交牵引变电所供电电压的影响和引入虚拟阻抗技术进行谐波补偿的原理。使用带通滤波器从牵引变电所输出电流中分解出各次谐波分量,并在谐波域引入虚拟阻抗,抵消牵引变电所输出端等效阻抗,降低供电电压的谐波畸变率。该方案无需增加额外补偿设备,只需改进控制策略即可改善供电电压质量。设计了控制策略,并基于 MATLAB/Simulink 软件进行了仿真验证,结果表明,所提方案明显降低了交直交牵引变电所供电电压的谐波畸变率,具有谐波补偿效果。
    中图分类号:TM922.4 ;U223     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2021)05-0012-05
Research on the Harmonic Compensation Strategy of AC-DC-AC Traction
Substation Based on Virtual Impedance
LI Lin-wei
(CRRC Industrial Research Institute Co., Ltd, Beijing 100070,China)
    Abstract: The virtual impedance technology is introduced to compensate the harmonics to reduce the harmonic distortion of the supply voltage, so as to improve the quality of supply voltage. This paper analyzes the influence of the harmonics generated by locomotive on the supply voltage, and the principle of virtual impedance technology to compensate the harmonics. Each harmonic component is decomposed from the output current of traction substation by the band-pass filter, and the virtual impedance is introduced into the control circuit to offset the equivalent impedance at the output of the traction substation, so as to reduce the harmonic distortion of the supply voltage. The scheme does not need to add additional compensation equipment, but needs to modify the control strategy to improve the quality of supply voltage.The control strategy is designed, and simulation based on MATLAB/Simulink is conducted. The results show that the proposed scheme can
significantly reduce the harmonic distortion of the supply voltage of the ac-dc-ac traction substation.
    Key words: AC-DC-AC traction substation; power quality; multiple quasi proportional resonance(M-Q-PR) controller; virtual impedance;harmonic compensation
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