LI Ying-ying, ZHANG Er-le, CAI Liu-lu, JIANG Hai-tao, XIAO Feng, YE Song, FU Bao-liang, PAN Hong-cheng, ZHOU Wan-jun
Abstract: All-weather mobile greenhouse construction workshop for UHV GIS concrete base creates a closed environment that can over come the influence of external environment on GIS foundation concrete pouring and maintenance. At the same time, there is an intelligent monitoring system in the workshop, that can ensure the safety, quality and progress of GIS mass concrete construction in winter, and provide good conditions for subsequent electrical installation.This paper introduces the development background, design form and intelligent control system, project application status and benefits of all-weather mobile greenhouse construction workshop for UHV GIS concrete foundation.The workshop has been successfully applied in the GIS concrete base winter construction of the supporting power plant of Changzhi Station,and has achieved very good results. It shows that under severe cold conditions, the workshop can effectively isolate the influence of the un favorable external environment, realize continuous construction, ensure the progress of the project, and improve the accuracy of foundation construction quality control.
Key words: UHV GIS; mass concrete foundation; all-weather; mobile greenhouse; construction workshop; winter construction; intelligent
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